Buyer Persona: The Main Ingredient for Your Marketing Strategy

by Pandharee Boontawee

Buyer Persona

What if you know your customer’s needs and desires? Or you deeply understand customers’ pain. Just imagine you win their heart every single time they see your products. It might sound unbelievable, but it is real. It is possible. You can make it happen with your missing main ingredient: Buyer Persona.

Buyer Personas are just like pasta without pasta sauce. Yes, it is distasteful, disagreeable, and displeasing. You can’t make pasta without the sauce. Same with your marketing strategy. You can’t develop successful marketing strategies without knowing the buyer personas, your target audience 

We all have been there when customers don’t buy products from us. They seemed to be interested and willing to buy, but still not. It is completely normal. These customers are just not your right target.  They don’t understand the value of the products. Your products don’t solve their existing issues. 

So there is no point in wasting time focusing on the wrong target customers when you actually can win your ideal customers’ hearts by the power of personas!

What are Buyer Personas?

Personas are fictional characters representing a segment of your target audience that would become loyal to your brand.  Creating personas will help the business to focus and understand customers’ characteristics, demographics, behavior patterns, lifestyles, incomes, know their pains, needs and wants, or even their motivations. These data will be as close as possible to a real customer. 

Once you have all the data and knowledge about your ideal customers, you will know how to make them interact with your products/services and successfully engage them to make purchasing decisions. 

It is agreeable that having a broad customer base from all different segmentations is good, but again, try not to lose focus on your ideal customers.  Especially since we are in the digital marketing era, it is very essential to know how to entice your target customers and satisfy them.  

Honestly, it is just like the ‘Squid Game’. We don’t know what will be ahead of us, which is the same with the customers. Sometimes, they don’t know what they really want. Therefore, having effective personas will guide customers’ journeys and personalize the type of products or experiences they will be attracted to.

Why are they important?

You may be wondering why buyer personas are so important? Why are they the missing ingredient in the marketing strategies? Here are the reasons why:

1. Creating personas help you to focus and understand your target customers

According to ITSMA’s statistics, 90% of the companies using personas are able to understand their target customers well. With personas, you will know customers’ early problems and help to solve them. Wouldn’t it be good that your brand is truly helpful to your lovely customers?

2. Personas allowing your brand to build a stronger and better relationship with your customers

Customers don’t only buy your products, but also buy experiences from your brand. Since you are well aware of your ideal customers, you are able to meet their needs and exceed their expectations. As a result, they will be satisfied and eventually become your loyal customers.

3. Generating more profits

Naturally, when you win your customers’ hearts, they will come back and purchase your products repeatedly. Consequently, your brand will gain more revenue. Indeed, 47% companies that use buyer persona tools exceed their sales and revenue goals. Also, because you know who you are targeting and what they want, it will develop a cost effective strategy. This is because of the right audience, right prospects, and right content strategy that works effectively.

4. Increasing your brand productivity

Personas can play a crucial role in helping your brand to become more focused, clear, and productive. They enable you to know which marketing efforts, types of content, messaging, or media platforms to use in order to meet the target needs. Creating personas will avoid wasting time that is unnecessary for your brand’s activities.

3 Quick Tips to Create Your Buyer Personas

For instance,  interviews or observations with the group of your customers or even your team. Keep in mind that the more research you do, the more realistic the personas will be. 

There will always be new things to learn and understand about your ideal customer’s needs and problems. Customers’ behavior and preferences can change over time..

We recommend you 3-4 personas are enough to develop a deep understanding and insights of target customers

At MOST2414, we’ve to empower brands to digital growth and help clients to focus the right target customers with the right content. So let’s start to create your own personas right now! Have any questions? Please contact us!


A post written by Pandharee Boontawee, Social Media Manager Intern at MOST 2414 and student at Kasetsart University. Reach out to me on LinkedIn.

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